Monday, April 14, 2014

For April 20, 2014 -- Easter Day

Have you heard!?
Heard what?
The Great Exciting News from the women who went to the tomb!!
Tell us!
The Tomb is Empty! Christ is Risen!
Good News Indeed! HALLELUJAH!!!
This is the day that God has made.
We will rejoice and give thanks.

God of New Life, we gather to hear again the amazing news.
A story of hope over despair, light over dark, life over death.
God who shakes the ground on which we stand, we gather to ask ourselves what it means.
With fear we ponder the news that the world has been changed, yet we hear Your voice saying “Do not be afraid”.
God of Easter, in this time together,
fill us with hope,
remind us of the promise of life,
fill us with the songs of Good News.
And then when we leave this place,
may we be ready to shake the ground with words of hope,
may we be able to see angels around us bringing Good News,
may we be bold enough to sing and shout our praises to the world.
Christ is Risen!
Christ is Risen indeed! Hallelujah!

The earth has been shaken, the stone has been rolled away, the Good News has been shared.
The one who had been executed has been raised. Life and hope win out!
In the midst of our fear we have heard words of hope:Do not be afraid; I know that you are looking for Jesus who was crucified. He is not here; for he has been raised
Having heard the Good News we go out into the world,
to share the promise of Resurrection, to bring news that death has been defeated.
In the name of the God who created and re-creates us,
In the name of the Risen One who sets us free,
In the name of the Spirit that blows in and through us,
we live in God, who gives us life, and that in abundance.
This is the day that God has made.
We will rejoice and be thankful.
Christ is Risen.
Christ is Risen indeed. Hallelujah!

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